
跨境快讯 2023-07-21 07:47:18 woniu



















1. Introduction to German trademarks

1. German law provides that the acquisition of trademark rights is based on registration.

( 2 ) In Germany, commodity trademarks, service trademarks and collective trademarks can apply for registration according to law.

( 3 ) Germany adopts the international classification of goods and services for trademark registration. However, when applying for a registered trademark, an application may include multiple categories of goods or services, but the applicant should pay the fees according to the number of categories.

4. At present, Germany is a member of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, the Madrid Agreement on International Registration of Trademarks, the Niss Agreement on International Classification of Goods and Services for Trademark Registration and the World Intellectual Property Organization. Germany ratified the Madrid Protocol on December 20, 1995, which entered into force in Germany on April 1, 1996.

2.The information needed for German trademark registration application

1. At the application of a legal person, a copy of the business license or valid registration certificate shall be affixed with a seal ; 1 personal identification document attached to a natural person application ;

2. Details of the applicant ( English and Chinese ), including name, nature, nationality, address, postcode and contact details ;

3. Electronic trademark samples ;

4. Commodity name and category.

3. Application and registration of German trademarks

1. Applicant qualification : German law provides that everyone who wants to make their goods or services different from others in commercial activities can apply for registered trademarks to the German Patent Office. Federal law also stipulates that applicants who have no place of business in Germany apply for trademark protection in Germany only when they accept the German trademark or service trademark in the country where they have a place of business and give the same treatment as their own trademark.

2. Application process ( smooth ) :

( 1 ) Form review : the legality review of the application documents, trademark drawings, commissions and other documents submitted after the application is submitted ; if the requirements are met, the application date and application number will be granted.

( 2 ) Substantive examination : examination under the law of whether a trade mark is registrable, whether it is the same or similar as a previously registered trade mark and whether it is contrary to the terms of prohibition of the trademark law. For the trademark that does not pass the substantive examination, the examiner will notify the applicant in writing and inform the reason for the rejection. The applicant can submit a review within the time limit from the date of receiving the notice of rejection. Otherwise, the application will be considered to be abandoned, and neither the application date nor the application number will be retained.

( 3 ) Announcement : After examination, the examiner thinks that the trademark application can be accepted, it will be published in the German official trademark announcement. Three months from the announcement date is the objection period.

( 4 ) Registration and approval : the trademark which is ruled to be registered by objection, or the trademark which is not objection by announcement will be approved to be registered and issued a registration certificate. The whole application process ( if there is no rejection, objection, etc. ) will take about 6-8 months.

3 、 Validity : from the date of application for 10 years, the registration validity period expires need to continue to use, should be in the registration validity period of 6 months before the application for renewal registration, each renewal registration validity period is 10 years.

标签:国际商标注册分类 欧盟商标购买流程 在哪查国际商标

2022-11-14 16:44:48

版权声明: woniu 发表于 2023-07-21 07:47:18。
转载请注明: 德国商标注册所需材料和资格审查流程 | 跨境湾
