tiktok latest version

跨境快讯 2023-07-11 12:01:57 woniu

<=_region=)CN(?=&) JP 307 (?<=&mcc_mnc=)4 2 307 ^(https?:\/\/(tnc|dm)[\w-]+\.\w+\.com\/.+)(\?)(.+) $1$3 302 (^https?:\/\/*\.\w{4} okv.com \/.+&.+)(\d{2}\.3\.\d)(.+) $118.0$3 302 [MITM] hostname = *.byteoversea.com,*.tiktokv.com,*.tik-tokapi.com,* isnssdk.com 3、返回配置处,点击配置文件“default.comf”,选择“编辑配置” 4、点击” HTTPS解密 “ 5、点击 ”生成新的CA证书“ 6、点击 ”安装证书“ 7、完成后打开手机设置,点击 ”通用“ ,在最下方找到 ”描述文件“ 8、找到我们要安装的描述文件,描述文件前面都是Shadowrocket 后面是生成的时间,时间肯定和我的不一样。


1. 安卓: (1)打开手机找到【设置】点进去找到【通用】 (2)拉到最底部点击【还原】,然后选择【抹掉所有内容和设置】 (3)然后选择【立即抹除】 (4)等待几分钟后,手机重启后会自动初始化,语言设置选择英语(如果你的TikTok是定位其他国家的,选择相应的国家就行了) (5)地区选择美国(如果你打算做其他地区的TikTok直接选择对应的国家地区就行了) (6)不输入apple id,直接跳过(苹果id后面我们会单独讲) (7)关闭定位 (8)手机正常开机以后,在“设置” -> “隐私” -> “广告”里,将“限制广告追踪”打开 这样就完成了手机的还原和初始化设置 2. 安卓 (1)找到手机设置(settings)点击进去找到系统(system)


Google的建议: In order to provide the best user experience on the latest devices, we recommend that you use the latest platform version as your build target . You'll still be able to run your app on older versions, but you must build against the latest version in order to use new features when running on devices with the latest version of Android. To get started, download the latest Android version, plus the lowestversion you plan to support (we recommend Android 2.2 for your lowest version). 来源: [1] http:// developer.android.com/s dk/installing/adding-packages.html#Recommended 赞同13


compiledSdkVersion is the platform version against which you will compile your app. By default, this is set to the latest version of Android available in your SDK. (It should be Android 4.1 or greater; if you don't have such a version available, you must install one using theSDK Manager.) You can still build your app to support older versions, but setting this to the latest version allows you to enable new features and optimize your app for a great user experience on the latest devices.

版权声明: woniu 发表于 2023-07-11 12:01:57。
转载请注明: tiktok latest version | 跨境湾
