
跨境快讯 2023-07-02 21:01:01 woniu

I often go shopping with Mom on Weekend .Today we go to a clothes and shoes store . It has many sweaters . hats, coats , tall shoes and more. My mother buys a black shoes for thirty yuan . It s a very good price! And she buys a pink and a red coat for me . It s one hundred yuan.. I like red coat very much .I like shopping!


I had a very busy Sunday this weekend with my friend.We went to the 7-11 Market Friday evening to buy something that we need.There were so many people shopping there.本周末我与我的朋友一起度过了一个非常繁忙的星期日,星期五晚上我们一起到七仔市场买东西,那天有许多人在那里购物。
I always think I'm very sensitive at shopping.For example, I realized that with it being Jazz Sunday there would be extra people, so we bought a few more things than we normally would have.Wasn't I very clever?Don't you think so?The things what we bought including t cookies and an extra cream roll or two. Of course ,We also had some food for dinner as Ken felt like he was coming down with a cold and I knew I was kind of exhausted by other things.In a word,We had a very busy Sunday,But we also had a very nice day.


双语例句 Although cannot, also can believe we can obtain tremendous shoppy get one's own back in China.即使不能,也可以相信我们在中国会取得巨大的生意上的回报。
Some contractor because shoppy reason, preparation USES a new-style, luxurious sedan to an assemblyman bribery.某承包商因为生意上的原因,准备用一辆新型、豪华的小轿车向一位议员行贿。
Group of Chinese larch China and American copartner are same, it is shoppy associate.红杉中国团队和美国合伙人一样,是生意上的伙伴。
同近义词 merchant


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版权声明: woniu 发表于 2023-07-02 21:01:01。
转载请注明: shoppy小学作文 | 跨境湾
