
跨境快讯 2024-01-31 03:05:00 woniu







Hi xxxx, you surely want your company to remain the best competitive in the industry and our product are definitely worth knowing. if you miss it, it is likely you give your local competitor a good opportunity to slowly catch up with you. at least, there is nothing to lose by comparing before any decision

xxx, 您好!你肯定希望你的公司在行业中保持最佳竞争力,我们的产品绝对值得你了解,如果错过了,很可能就给了你的竞争对手一个很好超越你的机会。至少比较以后再做决定你也不会有任何损失。

hi xxx, we are actually very familiar with this market and a few of the top industries, customers are cooperating wiht us based on different types of customers needs, we have different solutions, this is the reason why we do our own energy investment, as we could do a lot of customization solutions from product and the price strategy point.

xxx, 您好,我们对这个市场非常熟悉,很多行业顶尖的客户都和我们有合作,基于不同类型的客户需求,我们都有不同的解决方案,这就是为什么我们要自己投资研发的原因,因为我们可以从产品和价格策略上做很多定制的解决方案。


Hi xxx, I am really sorry to hear that you must have losts a lot of money, but there are a lot of great other companies that in China they have been doing great products and services, just like us. it's really our fault that we didn't find you until now, please also give us a chance, we have a lot of Europe and US customers for a long term corporations already, there is a reason that we believe that we will not let you down. here we share you some projects that we have done in these countries, just for reference.

xxx, 您好!真的非常抱歉听你这样说,想必你一定因此损失了很多钱。但其实在中国还有特别多非常好的公司,他们一直在做口碑产品和服务,就像我们公司一样。直到现在才找到你的确是我们的过失,请您也给我们一个机会,我们跟很多欧洲和美国的客户都有长期的合作,这也是我们相信我们是不会让你失望的理由。这里附上一些我们在这些国家做过的项目,供参考!

版权声明: woniu 发表于 2024-01-31 03:05:00。
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