
跨境快讯 2024-01-30 21:02:16 woniu




Hi xxx, I noticed that you are also in the xxx line(space), we would love to connect ----xxx

Hi xxx, your profile was top of the search results for professionals in the xxx field. we would love to connect--xxx


Hi xxx, found you are also a member of the xxx group, I love your sharing. let's connect.

Hi xxx, I am also a member of the xxx group. Just found you here, I hope we can learn from each other, thanks.


Hi xxx, I came across your article/ post(文章标题)on my feed, found it very insightful and informative. I also think xxxx, looking forward to learning more from you.

Hello xxx, we are both in the same LinkedIn group-xxx, and your comments about xxxx really struck a chord. I would like to connect with you.

如果对方在领英上非常活跃,发的贴子和文章的评论很多,是行业里知名大公司的高管等,行业经验非常丰富的行业老兵,可以称之为industry leader,并表达想要跟他们学习

Hi xxx, I noticed that you are a thought leader/veteran/pioneers and wanted to reach out, looking forward to leaning more from you! --xxx

Hi xxx, we are growing our network with strong/innovative leaders in the xxx. Hope we can learn from each other.

Hi xxx, I love following your content on LinkedIn and wanted to reach out and learn more from you.


Hi xxx, Just saw your profile because of a mutual connection xxx we have and I gotta say that I love what you are doing. I would love to add you to my net work.

Hi xxx, I reached out to xxx about the new project earlier but she referred you to me and I would like to connect with you!


Hi xxx, are you going to be at the xxx fair next month in Shanghai/Guangzhou/xxx? We would like to connect there in person.

Hi xxx, we found you posted one news for xxx fair in your LinkedIn, Our company also attend xxx fair,we would like to expend our products, let's connet!


Hi xxx, my name is xxx, with company name, a top 10 manufacturer in China and we are currently the main supplier of xxx(行业大牌) we would love to connect with you.

Hi xxx, I am always posting valuable resources and insights about xxx to help my network get the latest information about new products, industry news, and supply chain trends etc in China, Thought you'd be interested. Let's connect.


Hi xxx, it was great speaking to you at xxxx fair last time. I am glad to found you here on LinkedIn, let's connet.


Hi xxx, I read it on Linkedin / industry news site that xxx. it's awesome, congratulations, really love what you guys are doing.

Hi xxx, we watched your YouTube video, it's really attractive. love to connect with you.

Hi xxx, LinkedIn recommended your profile to me and I found that you are also passionate about xxxx, I would like to be your connection.



版权声明: woniu 发表于 2024-01-30 21:02:16。
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