A Simple Process for Strategic Content Planning丨轻松构建内容营销规划

跨境快讯 2024-01-27 18:10:20 woniu
How to create a strategic content plan

Content is king! Marketers have been saying that since the early days of the web and digital marketing, and it is as true today as it was then. But it is also a bit too general to be a useful piece of advice. In this article and video we will provide you with a simple framework and a very clever tool for developing your own content in a more strategic and targeted way to attract and convert more customers.



Why do we need a strategic Content Plan?

Let’s be honest. We are all guilty of talking about content strategy, but often when it comes time to actually do it, we simply do some keyword research to find popular search terms and then start writing articles that we think will rank for those terms and attract a relevant audience.


This is better than doing nothing, but it is not very strategic. It does not take into consideration all the factors that determine whether someone will buy from us.


If we can build a more strategic content plan we are much more likely to properly address all the challenges and questions our prospects have as they move through the buying process. In other words, with a strategic content plan we’ll attract more relevant traffic and drive more conversions.



Great, so how do we build this content plan?

To build a strategic content plan we first need to understand the following:


Who is our customer?


——If we have a B2C product we probably have more than 1 type of customer. We can call these segments.


——If we have a B2B product or service, often there is more than one person who will influence the decision. We need to understand who these stakeholders are.


What is the goal of our customer? This is not about your product, this is about the underlying need the potential customer has.


What is standing in the way of achieving their goal?


What questions will they need to ask to overcome their challenges?


Once we have good answers to these questions, we also need to take into consideration the customer buying cycle, as well as different content types and channels.


This is where things can get overwhelming, and why we are happy to share our 5 step process and workbook which walks you through the process of building your own strategic content plan.


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版权声明: woniu 发表于 2024-01-27 18:10:20。
转载请注明: A Simple Process for Strategic Content Planning丨轻松构建内容营销规划 | 跨境湾
