什么是注册号码(RN)? 和URN一样吗?(什么是注册号码?)

跨境快讯 2023-09-18 12:40:41 woniu

1) What is an RN?

1) 什么是RN?

2) Do I have to use an RN?

No. You are required to label covered products to identify the business responsible fony business name on the label instead of an RN. The business name is the full name that appears on business documents, such as purchase orders and invoices. It is not a trademark, brand, or designer nas a distributor or retailer marketing them in the United States. If you are acquiring finished products from an importer or distributor that markets them in the United States, or a manufacturer, the esses residing in the United States. However, imported goods can be labeled with the name of the foreign exporter or distributor that markets them in the United States, or the manufacturer.

2) 我必须使用 RN 吗?

3) How do I get an RN?

Appl the application has been approved, you can find your RN number in our RN Search screen. Mailed and faxed applications are no longer accepted until further notice.

3) 我如何获得RN?


4) How long does it take to get an RN?

We usually process online applications within 3 business days or sooner. We will send a response to the emaiferential treatment to any business, regardless of the situation.

4) 获得RN需要多长时间?

我们通常会在 3 个工作日或更短的时间内处理在线申请。我们将向您提供的电子邮件地址发送回复。如果您通过邮件或传真申请,但没有提供电子邮件地址,我们将向您发送普通的邮政信件。如果您通过传真或普通邮件申请,我们收到正确填写的申请后可能需要 7-10 个工作日。无论情况如何,我们都不能为任何企业提供一天的服务或优惠待遇。

5) Can you telephone or fax my RN?

No. When your RN first issues, we will email it to the email address you provide. However, you can find your number on our websites RN Search screen as soon as the application has been processed and approved. You can search for y

5) 你们可以打电话或传真我的RN吗?


6) How much does an RN cost?

There is no charge.

6) 注册RN的费用是多少?


nstead of an RN?

If you are the product manufacturer, or engage in the sale, offering for sale, distr can be used on the label. Alternatively, the product can be labeled with the RN or business name ofhe product.

8) Can I use my IRS number or a Canadian CA number instead of an RN on a product label?

8) 我可以在产品标签上使用我的 IRS 编号或加拿大 CA 编号而不是RN吗?

9) Can I have more than one RN?

No. We will issue only one RN per company.

9) 我可以有多个注册护士吗?

10) What if my business moves after I obtain an RN?

You are required to update the information for your RN registration if there is any change in your business name, address, or legal business status. Your RN is subject to cancellation if you fail to do so.



11) How can I update my RN information?

Update your information online on the FTC’s RN Database website. Create a user account, making sure to type the legal business name exactly as shown in your RN registration in the space provided on the webpage. After you create a user account, login and click the “Update RN” button to create and submit an update request. Commission staff will review the update application and you w your updated RN registration in our RN Search screen.


在FTC的RN数据库网站上更新您的在线信息。创建一个用户帐户,确保在网页上提供的空白处键入与RN注册中显示的完全相同的合法企业名称。创建用户帐户后,登录并单击“Update RN”按钮以创建并提交更新请求。委员会工作人员将审核更新申请,并通过电子邮件或普通邮件通知您。一旦申请被批准,您就可以在我们的RN搜索屏幕中找到您更新的RN。

12) What is a WPL number?

Many years ago, the FTC issued WPL numbers ue WPL numbers, but many are still in use. They are used in the same manner as RN numbers.

12) WPL号码是什么?

13) Where can I get more information about RNs and the labeling of textile, wool and fur products?

We invite you to review our business guide book, Threading Your Way Through the Labeling Requirements Under the Textile and Wool Acts, and visit our webpage for clothing and textiles.




版权声明: woniu 发表于 2023-09-18 12:40:41。
转载请注明: 什么是注册号码(RN)? 和URN一样吗?(什么是注册号码?) | 跨境湾
