
跨境快讯 2023-07-31 00:01:11 woniu



然而,该规定也使得企业需要精准掌握销售额,以免超过限额而需要缴纳增值税企业在海外销售商品或者提供劳务时,需要掌握下列信息:1. 销售商品或者提供劳务的时间2. 销售商品或者提供劳务的地点3. 销售商品或者提供劳务的方式

4. 销售商品或者提供劳务的金额5. 销售商品或者提供劳务的货币种类6. 销售商品或者提供劳务的受益人以上信息的掌握,对于企业来说是非常重要的首先,企业需要精确掌握销售商品或者提供劳务的时间其次,企业需要精确掌握销售商品或者提供劳务的地点

此外,企业需要精确掌握销售商品或者提供劳务的方式最后,企业需要精确掌握销售商品或者提供劳务的金额正确掌握上述信息,对于企业来说是非常重要的,这样企业才能确保销售额不超过人民币20万元,从而免征增值税Inaccurate understanding of the amount of overseas sales required

Our countrys tax laws and regulations stipulate that individuals or enterprises who sell goods, provide services or provide consulting, training and other rewards to overseas personnel shall not collect other taxes.

However, in recent years, when enterprises in China sell goods and provide services overseas, they need to pay value-added tax when the sales reach a certain amount, which imposes a great burden on enterprises.

In order to reduce the burden on enterprises, on February 26,2016, the State Administration of Taxation issued Announcement No.4, which stipulated that the value-added tax shall be exempted for the sale of goods, provision of services or consulting and training to Chinese residents from overseas in return for rewards.

The implementation of this provision enables enterprises to reduce their burden when selling goods and providing services overseas and develop their business better.

However, the regulation also requires enterprises to accurately grasp the sales volume, so as to avoid paying value-added tax beyond the limit.

When selling goods or providing services overseas, enterprises need to grasp the following information:

1. The time of selling goods or providing services.2. The place of selling goods or providing services.

3. The way of selling goods or providing services.4. The amount of selling goods or providing services.

5. The currency of selling goods or providing services.6. The beneficiary of selling goods or providing services.

The above information is very important for enterprises.First of all, enterprises need to accurately grasp the time of selling goods or providing services.

Secondly, enterprises need to accurately grasp the place of selling goods or providing services.In addition, enterprises need to accurately grasp the way of selling goods or providing services.

Finally, enterprises need to accurately grasp the amount of selling goods or providing services.It is very important for enterprises to master the above information correctly, so that enterprises can ensure that the sales do not exceed RMB 200,000, so as to exempt value-added tax.

版权声明: woniu 发表于 2023-07-31 00:01:11。
转载请注明: 无需密码直连wifi,无需vat:精准掌握海外远程销售金额要求 | 跨境湾
