
跨境快讯 2023-07-27 20:06:07 woniu



我们可以帮你解决问题的付款方式或更改订单再次感谢!期待着答案尽快得到您的  问候,Dear X,  We appreciated your purchase from us. But, we noticed that you have nopayment yet. You may not know how to pay.  This is a detailed payo solve the question of payment or make any changes to theorder.  Thanks again! We are all looking forward to get your answer as soon aspossible.  Best regards,。


希望再次见到你到我的店,我们可以长期合作Dear friend,  Today we observe your order or fail to pay the state, and we think that ifyou see we give you payment process, already know how to pay.  But dont know what causes you havent payment, if you think the price ishigh, we can give you a discount of 3%.  Hope to see you again to my shop, we can long-term cooperation.  Best Regards。


版权声明: woniu 发表于 2023-07-27 20:06:07。
转载请注明: 速卖通催评模板,速卖通催付款模板(如何催付) | 跨境湾
